Social Change
Relational Analysis: Four Relations
Dialectical Materialism traces four kinds of relations that enable one to discover two things: i. What is something as a process and ii. The system i…
System of Conditioned Conditioning
Dialectic is rejection of linear chain of cause and effect as perceived in formal logic, rather it is a web and a system of conditioning agents who a…
System before History
Inquiry begins with system before history because history of literature, economics, religion, culture, language or any specific thesis alone is undia…
Totality vs Parts
If anything appears to be true in part is still untrue because it misses some parts. Phrases out of context can mislead us. What came before and afte…
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
Now, since reality is a process in constant transformation then every theory, be it philosophical, economic, political, social e.t.c arises as an ans…
Dialectical Reality/Social Reality
What we mean by reality is the conditioning factors in constant motion present within objective conditions present at a time. We perceive reality t…
Materialism vs Idealism
First, let's do away with the connotative misconception attached to the term "materialism"; MATERIALISM DOES NOT MEAN LOVE FOR MATERIA…