Beauty and the Beast Characteristics “Beauty and the Beast” is a popular fairy tale that depicts the story of a cursed prince and a kind-hearted woman named Beauty. Gabrielle-Suzanne de …
Complexity of Hamlet: A Multifaceted Character Overview: William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is a timeless tragedy that has captured the imagination of audiences for over four centuries. The play tel…
Tragedy and its Various Types Overview: Tragedy is a literary work in which the central character experiences great sorrow or is brought to ruin, often as a result of a tragic f…
Ted Hughes, That Morning, Poem, its Summary & Analysis In Nutshell: Hughes opens "That Morning" with a fantastic sight of a bounty of fish in a stream surrounded by mountains and in the foggy …
T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land Poem: Original Text FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO I. The Burial of the Dead April is the cruellest month, breeding Lil…
Introduction to English Literature Literature means in the form of letters, that is to say, basically written content. Literary Terms used a) Prodesse: Didacticism: Instructions and L…
The Hollow Men By T.S Eliot: Modernism Nobel Prize winner in Literature, T.S Eliot is an acclaimed poet of the twentieth century. His work in criticism and literature played a monumental r…
The Hollow Men By T.S Eliot: Text of the Poem Mistah Kurtz—he dead. A penny for the Old Guy I We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! Our …
Anti-Romanticism of W.H Auden Anti-Romanticism Anti-Romanticism is the antithesis of Romanticism. Though some traits of Anti-Romanticism are in common with Classicism; Anti-Romant…
Absurdity as a Major Theme from Theatre of Absurd Absurdity Absurdity for sure is the most obvious one of the themes from Theatre of Absurd. The plays mock the world which no longer makes sen…