timeline example

timeline example
My GCI Experience [starter] Get started with Linux! This task involved me downloading a linux distro and installing it. The end result was an image with a picture of the terminal with my username inside it. This was the start of my GCI journey! View work 23-Oct Create your own GPG key then authenticate to GitHub and sign commits The aim of the task was to setup a GPG key with GitHub. The purpose of adding a GPG key to commits is to verify to other users of GitHub that you are who you say you are. I had been given a YubiKey 2FA token from an event I attended so I thought it would be even more secure if I set it up with that. Now all my commits require me to have my hardware token. View work 23-Oct [easy] My first ssh connection! This task involved me connecting to a remote sever over the SSH protocol and searching for a hidden file. View work 24-Oct Install the Sugar Development Environment This task was a beginner task for Sugar Labs who at the time I knew little about. I followed the readme on ho…
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