Introduction to Critical Pedagogy

Level: BS 7th Course Code: ELL401

Course Description: under construction...

Course Objectives
  • This course aims to enable students to:
  • develop an understanding of research terminology
  • create awareness of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes
  • differentiate among quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research
  • learn the steps involved in research process
  • identify the components of a literature review process
  • understand the difference between research paper, thesis and book writing
  • develop knowledge about different components of a synopsis and a research paper

Course Contents
  1. Critical Pedagogy: Brief History of the Discipline
    Paulo Freire, Giroux, Ira Shor, Kinchole
    Past, Present and future (with special reference to Pakistan)
  2. The role of Critical Pedagogy in Education
    In Curriculum Development
    In Character Building
  3. The Need to develop Critical Pedagogy in Teacher education.
  4. The role of Critical Pedagogy in Literature.
  5. The role of Critical Pedagogy in Popular culture. (Film, media, print)
  6. The role of Critical Pedagogy in building international Culture.
  7. The role of Critical Pedagogy in Popular culture. (Film, media, print)
  8. Theoretical understanding in the following areas:
    ● Critical Pedagogy and Ideology.
    ● Critical Pedagogy and freedom of Individual thought.
    ● Critical Pedagogy and Contemporary issues.
    ● Critical Pedagogy and issues in language culture and identity.
    ● Critical Pedagogy and Institutionalized Power (different types of power)
    ● Critical Pedagogy and Popular culture
    ● Critical Pedagogy and construction of an critical thought
    ● Critical Pedagogy and issues of gender
    ● Critical Pedagogy and our Limitations

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Further Readings
  1. Apple,M. (2003). The State and the Politics of Knowledge. New York: Routledge/Falmer. Ch. 1 & 9. 1-24; 221-225. PDF
  2. Apple,M. (1979). On Analyzing Hegemony.Ideology and Curriculum. New York, NY: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1-25. PDF
  3. Bartolomé, Lilia (2004). "Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education: Radicalizing Prospective Teachers" (PDF). Teacher Education Quarterly. Winter: 97–122 – via teqjournal.
  4. Dewey, John. (1938). Experience and Education.
  5. Freire, Paulo (2009). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. ISBN 0-8264- 1276-9
  6. George, Ann. "Critical Pedagogy: Dreaming of Democracy." A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper, Kurt Schick. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 92-112. Print
  7. Giroux, Henry. "Beyond the Ethics of Flag Waving: Schooling and Citizenship for a Critical Democracy." The Clearing House, Vol. 64, No. 5 (May - June., 1991): 305-308. Taylor & Francis, Ltd. JSTOR. 22 Oct. 2012. "Ira Shor". English Department.Retrieved 2016-11-22.
  8. Giroux, H. (October 27, 2010) "Lessons From Paulo Freire", Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved 10/20/10.
  9. Glass, R.D. (2011). Critical Pedagogy and Moral Education.In Devitis & Yu (Eds.). Character and Moral Education: A Reader. New York: Peter Lang Publishers. PDF
  10. Glass, R.D. (2008). Staying Hopeful.In M. Pollock (Ed.), Everyday AntiRacism. New York: The New Press. 337-340. PDF.
  11. Glass, R.D (2006). On Race, Racism, and Education. (manuscript). PDF.
  12. Haymes.Pedagogy of Place for Black Urban Struggle.Critical Pedagogy Reader.(1st edition).211-237. PDF.
  13. Hicks, Stephen R.C. (2004) Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Tempe, AZ: Scholargy Press, ISBN 1-59247-646-5
  14. Kincheloe, Joe (2008) Critical Pedagogy Primer. New York: Peter Lan
  15. Kincheloe, Joe; Steinberg, Shirley (1997). Changing Multiculturalism. Bristol, PA: Open University Press. p. 24. Critical pedagogy is the term used to describe what emerges when critical theory encounters education.
  16. Kincheloe, J. & Steinberg, S. (2008) Indigenous Knowledges in Education: Complexities, Dangers, and Profound Benefits in Ed Denzin, N. Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies
  17. Shor, I. (1980). Critical Teaching and Everyday Life. Boston, Massachusetts: South End Press.
  18. Weiler, K.(1991). Freire and a Feminist Pedagogy of Difference.Harvard Educational Review.61 (4). 449-474. PDF

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