What is Literary Theory?
Audio Lecture ⟨ ▷ ⟩ I define literary theory as "a set of assumptions and arguments from a particular school of thought that functions as colored lenses to see the world around us." There are different colors of glasses, and the glasses we wear shape how we see the world. Each lens offers a unique perspective, enabling us to interpret the world differently. Why is Literary Theory Important for Students of English Literature? People often read literature for fun, and there are many who read literature as a hobby, having explored hundreds of novels, plays, or poems . However, students of literature are introduced to literary theory, setting them apart from casual readers. While hobbyists interpret texts through the lenses granted by their culture, upbringing, beliefs, and biases, students trained in literary theory can analyze a single passage in forty or fifty different ways. Each interpretation brings a fresh perspective, broadening their critical thinking capabilities. Through li…