Voiced and Unvoiced Endings for Plurals and Third-Person Singular Verbs

When s is added in the end of a word for making plurals or third-person singular verbs, then the rules for pronunciation are: Rule 1: If the sound before the added -s is voiceless , then added s, that is, /s/ sound will remain voiceless /s/. Rule 2: If the sound before the added -s is voiced , the ending /s/ sound will match and become voiced , that is, it will change into its voiced pair /z/ sound. Rule 3: If ending sounds before the added -es are /s/ or /dʒ/, then /s/ sound will be pronounced as /iz/. Rule 1 Examples: brea k s, ran t s, jum p s, ha te s, ki ck s, ski p s, gallo p s, fi t s, hel p s, bea t s, pac k s, hi t s, pic k s. Rule 2 Examples: bra g s (bragz), rea d s (readz), han g s (hangz), be d s (bedz), hea d s (hedz), fi g s (figz) Rule 3 Examples: Fridges (iz), races (iz), fixes (iz), pieces (iz), bridges (iz). Practice Sentences The cat jumps(s) , the dog barks(s) , and the bird sings(z) as the day passes(iz) . He reads(z) books(s), writes(s) essays(z), explains(z) ideas(z), and shares(z> his thought…