English IV: Academic Reading & Writing

Course: English IV: Academic Reading & Writing
Level: BS 4th
Course Code: ELL205

Course Description This course aims at inculcating proficiency in academic writing through research. It guides students to develop a well-argued and welldocumented academic paper with a clear thesis statement, critical thinking, argumentation and synthesis of information. This course also teaches students how to use different systems of citations and bibliography. It allows students to become independent and efficient readers armed with appropriate skills and strategies for reading and comprehending texts at undergraduate level.

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Course Contents

Reading and Critical Thinking

  1. Read academic texts effectively by:
    • Using appropriate strategies for extracting information and salient points according to a given purpose
    • Identifying the main points, supporting details, and conclusions in a text of intermediate level
    • Identifying the writer’s intent such as cause and effect, reasons, comparison and contrast, and exemplification
    • Interpreting charts and diagrams
    • Making appropriate notes using strategies such as mind maps, tables, lists, graphs
    • Reading and carrying out instructions for tasks, assignments, and examination questions
  2. Enhance academic vocabulary using skills learnt in Compulsory English I course
  3. Acquire efficient dictionary skills such as:
    • Locating guide words
    • Entry words
    • Choosing appropriate definition
    • Identifying pronunciation through pronunciation key
    • Identifying part of speech
    • Identifying syllable division and stress patterns
  4. Writing Academic Texts:
    1. Plan their writing: identify audience, purpose, and message (content)
    2. Collect information in various forms such as mind maps, tables, charts, lists
    3. 9 Methods of Ordering Information
  5. Write argumentative and descriptive forms of writing using different methods of developing ideas like listing, comparison, and contrast, cause and effect, for and against:
    • Write good topic and supporting sentences and effective conclusions
    • Use appropriate cohesive devices such as reference words and signal markers
  6. Redraft checking content, structure, and language
  7. Edit and proofread
  8. Grammar in Context:
    • Phrase, clause, and sentence structure
    • Combining sentences
    • Reported Speech

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Course Objectives

To enable the students to:

  • Improve literal understanding, interpretation & general assimilation, and integration of knowledge
  • Write well-organized academic texts including examination answers with topic/thesis statement and supporting details
  • Write argumentative essays and course assignments

Recommended Readings

  • Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers). Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Fisher, A. (2001). Critical Thinking. CUP
  • Goatly, A. (2000). Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor & Francis
  • Hacker, D. (1992). A Writer’s Reference. 2nd Ed. Boston: St. Martin’s
  • Hamp-Lyons, L. & Heasley, B. (1987). Study writing: A course in written English for academic and professional purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for Undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Murphy, R. (2003?). Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Smazler, W. R. (1996). Write to be Read: Reading, Reflection and Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wallace, M. (1992). Study Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yorky, R. Study Skills.
English IV: Academic Reading & Writing
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