English I: Reading & Writing Skills

Course Title: English I: Reading & Writing Skills
Level: BS 1st
Course Code: ELL101

Course Description The course is designed to help students take a deep approach in reading and writing academic texts which involve effective learning strategies and techniques aimed at improving the desired skills. The course consists of two major parts: the ‘reading section’ focuses on recognizing a topic sentence, skimming, scanning, use of cohesive devices, identifying facts and opinions, guess meanings of unfamiliar words. The ‘writing section’ deals with the knowledge and use of various grammatical components such as, parts of speech, tenses, voice, narration, modals etc. in practical contexts.

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Reading Skills
  1. Identify Main Idea / Topic sentences
  2. Skimming, Scanning, and Inference / Find Specific and General Information Quickly
  3. Distinguish Between Relevant and Irrelevant Information
  4. According to Purpose for Reading
  5. Recognise and Interpret Cohesive Devices
  6. Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion
  7. Guess the Meanings of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues
  8. Use the Dictionary for Finding out Meanings and Use of Unfamiliar Words
  9. Practice Exercises with Every Above Mentioned Aspect of Reading
Writing Skills
  1. Parts of Speech
  2. Phrase, clause and sentence structure
  3. Combining sentences
  4. Tenses: meaning and use
  5. Modals
  6. Use of active and passive voice
  7. Reported Speech
  8. Writing good sentences
  9. Error Free writing
  10. Paragraph writing with topic sentence
  11. Summary writing

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Course Objectives

  1. To enable students to identify main/topic sentences.
  2. To teach them to use effective strategies while reading texts.
  3. To acquaint them with cohesive devices and their function in the text.

Recommended Readings

  1. Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  2. Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers). Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  3. Murphy, R. (2003). Grammar in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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