Classical & Renaissance Drama

Course: Classical & Renaissance Drama
Level: BS 4th
Course Code: ELL206

Course Description: This course examines the nature, function, and themes of Classical Greek, Roman, and Elizabethan drama within their theatrical, historical, and social contexts. It focuses on works by dramatists such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Seneca, Plautus, Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Webster, tracing the evolution of tragedy and comedy. The course also explores ancient views on drama, especially those of Plato and Aristotle, and their influence on classical works. The course is divided into two sections. The first covers classical Greek and Roman drama, exploring influential plays and their impact on the genre. Students will study Greek drama, its connection to mythology, the importance of festivals, and the structure of tragedy and comedy. The second section focuses on the works of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Webster, examining the Renaissance's cultural richness, humanist philosophy, and artistic excellence. The course highlights the distinct features of tragedy, comedy, and history plays from this period.

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Course Contents
  1. Aeschylus – Prometheus Bound
  2. Sophocles – Oedipus Rex
  3. Euripides – The Bacchae
  4. Aristophanes – The Birds
  5. Seneca – Hercules Furens (The Mad Hercules)
  6. Plautus – The Pot of Gold
  7. Shakespeare – King Lear; As You Like It
  8. Marlowe – Tamburlaine the Great (Parts I and II)
  9. Webster – The Duchess of Malfi

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Course Objectives

  • Students will be taught to demonstrate:
    • Knowledge of the myths, history, conventions, and major personages of classical theatre through readings of the plays and secondary sources.
    • An insight into the culture, society, and political events of the classical periods under study.
    • An understanding of the main objectives, themes, and ideas underlying Classical Drama.
    • Sound knowledge of the works of a range of classical dramatists and the ability to relate the primary texts to their socio-cultural and historical contexts.
    • The ability to carry out close reading and literary commentaries on the primary texts.
    • Critically assess the inherent nature of the human condition - its paradoxes, complexities, and conflicts.

Recommended Readings

  1. Aeschylus. (1961). Prometheus Bound, The Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, The Persians, translated by Philip Vellacott. Penguin Books.
  2. Aristophanes. (1962). The Complete Plays of Aristophanes. Edited by Moses Hadas. A Bantam Skylark Book.
  3. Bloom, Harold. (1987). John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi. Chelsea House Pub (L).
  4. Bloom, Harold. (1999). Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. London: Fourth Estate.
  5. Cheney, Patrick. (2004). The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge: CUP.
  6. Dover, K.J. (1972). Aristophanic Comedy. University of California Press.
  7. Eagleton, Terry. (1986). William Shakespeare. New York: Blackwell.
  8. Erikson, Peter. (1991). Rewriting Shakespeare, Rewriting Ourselves. Berkley: University of California Press.
  9. Frazer, James G. (1922). The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. MacMillan.
  10. Gregory, Justina. (2005). A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.
  11. Hackett, Helen. (2012). A Short History of English Renaissance Drama. I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
  12. Herington. (1986). Aeschylus. Yale.
  13. Kitto, H. D. F. (2005). Greek Tragedy. London and New York: Routledge.
  14. Kuriyama, Constance B. (2002). Christopher Marlowe: A Renaissance Life. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  15. Ley, G. (1991). A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theatre. University of Chicago Press.
Classical & Renaissance Drama
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