Away, Melancholy, Stevie Smith: Summary, Analysis & Themes

"Away, Melancholy" is a poignant and evocative poem in which the poet advocates for embracing positivity despite the presence of sorrow, particularly melancholy. Through the use of vivid and multi-sensory imagery, Smith seeks to remind readers of the inherent beauty that exists in the world around them. Away, Melancholy by Stevie Smith Away, Melancholy Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow, Fire leap and the rivers flow? Away melancholy. The ant is busy He carrieth his meat, All things hurry To be eaten or eat. Away, melancholy. Man, too, hurries, Eats, couples, buries, He is an animal also With a hey ho melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Man of all creatures Is superlative (Away melancholy) He of all creatures alone Raiseth a stone (Away melancholy) Into the stone, the god Pours what he knows of good Calling, good, God. Away melancholy, let it go. Speak not to me of tears, Tyranny, pox, war…

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