Beautiful Author Widget in Blogger

  1. Navigate to the Theme section in your Blogger dashboard, click on "Customize," then select "Edit HTML." Paste the following code just after the <head> tag and save the template. If you have already done this step for any of other widget on your site then skip it. You only need to do this once for all widgets.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"  crossorigin="anonymous"/>
Step 2: Paste following code where you want this widget to appear. Of course change the names and website address etc.

Author Widget Style 1

<h2 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h2><div class="aAthrP-classwithmason"><div class="aAdm-classwithmason"><div class="aAdmC-classwithmason"><img alt="partner" src="" /><div class="aAdmD-classwithmason" data-disc="New" nbps=""><h4>Freemium Tech</h4><p class="desC-classwithmason"><span style="color: #ff6600;">Freemium Tech.</span>Freemium Tech provides you all kinds of Blogging, SEO, Programming, Google Adsense, Tips and Tricks etc. Also, we are focusing on many other categories and hope you will like them too.</p><p></p><p>© 2022 ‧<span style="color: #ff6600;">Freemium Tech</span>.</p><p></p><p></p></div><div class="aAdmB-classwithmason"><a class="btn-classwithmason" href="" target="_blank"><svg class="line-classwithmason" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g transform="translate(2.550170, 3.550158)"><path d="M0.371729633,8.89614246 C-0.701270367,5.54614246 0.553729633,1.38114246 4.07072963,0.249142462 C5.92072963,-0.347857538 8.20372963,0.150142462 9.50072963,1.93914246 C10.7237296,0.0841424625 13.0727296,-0.343857538 14.9207296,0.249142462 C18.4367296,1.38114246 19.6987296,5.54614246 18.6267296,8.89614246 C16.9567296,14.2061425 11.1297296,16.9721425 9.50072963,16.9721425 C7.87272963,16.9721425 2.09772963,14.2681425 0.371729633,8.89614246 Z"></path><path d="M13.23843,4.013842 C14.44543,4.137842 15.20043,5.094842 15.15543,6.435842"></path></g></svg>Go to Website</a></div></div></div></div>

Author Widget Style 2

<div class="classwithmason-ycusr"><div class="classwithmason-ycnbr"><span class="classwithmason-ycnbrpn">❤</span></div><div class="classwithmason-image"><img alt="Technical Asmaul" src="" /></div><div class="classwithmason-ycusrLn"></div><div class="classwithmason-ycusrTl">Technical Asmaul</div><div class="classwithmason-ycusrD">Technical Asmaul" is one of the most popular technology related website. This website try to publish content about technology, tips and tricks regularly.</div><ul class="classwithmason-Label-1"><li>Tips &amp; Tricks</li><li>Tutorial</li><li>Blogger</li></ul><div class="classwithmason-ycusrsv"><a class="classwithmason-getar" href="#" target="_blank"><svg class="classwithmason-line" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="20px" xmlns=""><path d="M18 13v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6"></path><polyline points="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyline><line x1="10" x2="21" y1="14" y2="3"></line></svg></a></div></div>

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Author Widget Style 1


Freemium Tech

Freemium Tech.Freemium Tech provides you all kinds of Blogging, SEO, Programming, Google Adsense, Tips and Tricks etc. Also, we are focusing on many other categories and hope you will like them too.

© 2022 ‧Freemium Tech.

Author Widget Style 2

Technical Asmaul
Technical Asmaul
Technical Asmaul" is one of the most popular technology related website. This website try to publish content about technology, tips and tricks regularly.
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Tutorial
  • Blogger

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