Got a Letter from Jimmy, Shirley Jackson: Summary & Analysis
‘Got a Letter from Jimmy’ is a compelling short story crafted by the American writer Shirley Jackson (1916-65), renowned for her psychological thrillers and eerie depictions of ordinary life. This story, spanning only a few pages, revolves around an unnamed husband and wife. The central plot unfolds as the husband receives a letter from an acquaintance named Jimmy, which he chooses not to open, sparking his wife’s persistent curiosity about its contents.
Summary of Got a Letter from Jimmy, Shirley Jackson The narrative is presented by a third-person narrator, yet it offers a close look at the wife’s thoughts and reactions to her husband’s decision not to open Jimmy's letter. The heavy focus on the wife's perspective creates a sense of intimacy, allowing readers to understand her emotions and growing agitation. The husband casually mentions to his wife that he received a letter from Jimmy, which he has no intention of opening, planning instead to send it back unopened. The wife,…