Of Unity in Religion, Francis Bacon: Summary & Analysis

Introduction Religion as a social bond: Bacon opens the essay by highlighting the importance of religion as the chief bond of human society. He argues that true unity in religion is crucial for societal harmony. Heathen religion vs. Christian religion: Bacon contrasts the religion of the heathen, which he describes as being based more on rites and ceremonies, with Christianity, which he believes is based on a constant belief in the true God. The heathens' lack of religious divisions prevented religious quarrels, something that Christianity has struggled with due to differing interpretations of faith. Fruits of Unity in Religion External fruits: Unity in religion creates a positive perception of the church by those outside it. Bacon argues that religious schisms and heresies are the greatest scandals, more harmful than moral corruption. Schisms drive people away from the church, while unity draws people in. Internal fruits: Within the church, unity brings peace, which Bacon sees as esse…

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