How the English Language Evolved and Spiced Up British Literature

How the English Language Evolved and Spiced Up British Literature How the English Language Evolved and Spiced Up British Literature Old English: When English Was Gobbledygook Alright mate, strap in 'cause we're diving way back to Old English , when our beloved language sounded like a proper mash-up of Viking grunts and ancient spellcasting. I mean, have you ever tried reading Beowulf ? It’s like being slapped in the face with a dictionary from another galaxy! Back then, the language was all about Anglo-Saxon vibes, and if you spoke it today, you'd probably get some right confused looks. But let’s give it some credit – this is where our English story begins, innit? Middle English: When We Got a Bit Fancy Skip ahead a few centuries, and we’ve got Middle English – the era where the language decided to get all posh after the Norman Conquest . You know, the French popped over, gave us some new words, and suddenly, we’re all "bonjour" this and "croissant" that. Geoff…
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