Slavery and Antislavery in Colonial America

Colonial Practices and Laws Primogeniture and Entail : Virginia established large estates through primogeniture (inheritance by the oldest son) and entail (a legal mechanism preventing the breakup of large estates). Tobacco Economy : Tobacco dominated Virginia’s economy, with gang systems used to control the labor force. Slave Codes : A set of laws designed to protect the interests of enslavers, including: Children born to enslaved women were also enslaved. Religious conversion did not result in freedom for enslaved people. Enslaved individuals had to be transported out of the colony to gain freedom. Enslavers could not be prosecuted for murdering enslaved people. Any Black Virginian striking a White Virginian faced whipping. Regional Variations Georgia : Initially banned slavery but soon legalized it. South Carolina : Established as a slave colony from the beginning, with slavery being legalized from the start. Caribbean Influence : Caribbean settlers brought their harsh slave codes with …
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