Questions & Answers about The Picture of Dorian Gray

Learn Further ▾ Background Plot Summary Chapters Summary Critical Analysis Themes Quotes Character Analysis Symbols Motifs Q&As Presentation Slides Questions & Answers Why is the preface considered a manifesto? Instead of introducing the story itself, Wilde uses the preface to succinctly describe aestheticism’s philosophy on the meaning and purpose of art. The conclusion he comes to is often called “art for art’s sake,” that is, art exists to be beautiful and not for any other purpose. In this view, as Wilde famously puts it, “all art is quite useless,” that is, it should not have a moral or instructive function, and in fact, any hint of these takes away from the work’s artistry. How does Lord Henry influence Dorian Gray? Lord Henry influences Dorian in several ways. His way of talking convinces Dorian to value pleasure, art, and beauty over goodness. He further awakens Dorian to his own beauty by explaining to him the power youth holds over society. Dorian’s newfound awareness of his appeara…

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