Major Themes in The Hairy Ape by Eugene O'Neill

Learn Further ▾ Background Plot Summary Themes Quotes Character Analysis Symbolism Motifs Q&As As Modern Tragedy As Expressionist Play As Social Satire Alienation & identity Themes in The Hairy Ape Human Regression by Industrialization: The play explores how industrialization reduces workers to mere machines. The firemen aboard the Ocean Liner are portrayed as increasingly primitive, with stage directions describing them as resembling Neanderthals. Yank's journey from a powerful stoker to a caged ape at the zoo illustrates this regression. The Frustration of Class: The stark contrast between Mildred, representing the bourgeois class, and Yank, symbolizing the proletariat, highlights the frustration and disparity caused by class divisions. Both characters yearn for something beyond their respective societal roles, seeking meaning and purpose. Class Conflict: Long's socialist beliefs and Yank's radical reactions reflect the deep-rooted class conflict in society. Yank's inc…

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