Language and Expressions Guide

Common Expressions and Meanings Sounds like fun: A positive reaction to someone’s plans or activities. Pep rally: An event to boost enthusiasm and support for a sports team before a game. Take place: Means "happens" when telling a story. Moors: A type of landscape found in England. Creepy: Something that feels strange and frightening. Wild: Describes strong and uncontrolled emotions, such as anger, excitement, or happiness. Symbolize: Objects or ideas that represent something concrete in literature. A given: A basic fact that is accepted as true. Mirrored: Something that is very similar to or seems to copy something else. Shrewd: Having sharp judgment or being astute. Care to venture: A polite way to ask someone if they want to do something. Goody-goody: Someone who behaves extremely well to please authority figures. Ahead of its time: Too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated in its era. Light year: The distance light travels in one year; used in astronomy. Light years ago: M…
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