Jakobson's Six Language Functions and Communication Concepts

Roman Jakobson's Functions of Language Roman Jakobson’s model of language functions provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how communication operates within various contexts. Jakobson identified six primary functions of language, each associated with a different factor in the communication process. The referential function focuses on describing the context or the situation being discussed, such as providing factual information or detailing events (e.g., "The autumn leaves have all fallen now"). The poetic function highlights the form and aesthetic qualities of the message itself, often seen in poetry and artistic language, emphasizing how the message is crafted rather than what it conveys (e.g., "The fog comes on little cat feet"). The emotive function reflects the speaker's internal state and emotions, providing insight into their feelings (e.g., "Wow, what a view!"). The conative function aims to directly influence or guide…
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