History of Medieval Britain c.1250–c.1500: Majore Characteristics

The Characteristic Features of Medieval Britain c.1250–c.1500: An Overview Religion Dominance of the Church : The Catholic Church was central to daily life, acting as a major landowner, political force, and moral authority. Clergy : Included monks, nuns, priests, and bishops, who were influential in education, healthcare, and administration. Pilgrimages and Festivals : Religious activities included pilgrimages to holy sites and participation in religious festivals. ‘Class System’ – People, Lords, Everyone Else Feudal System : Society was structured around feudalism, where the king granted land to lords in exchange for military service. Hierarchy : The monarch and nobility were at the top, followed by knights, with peasants and serfs at the bottom. Roles and Responsibilities : Lords managed estates and administered justice, while peasants worked the land and paid taxes and dues. Land Ownership Manorial System : Land was divided into manors controlled by lords who owned the land and rented it out to pea…
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