Foreign Cohesive Devices in English

Addition i.e. (Latin: id est) - that is Example: "She had to make a decision quickly, i.e., before the store closed." e.g. (Latin: exempli gratia) - for example Example: "Many citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, e.g., oranges, lemons, and limes." et cetera (Latin) - and other similar things Example: "Please bring your notebooks, pens, pencils, et cetera." en masse (French) - in a group Example: "The fans arrived en masse for the concert." au contraire (French) - on the contrary Example: "He didn’t mind the delay; au contraire, he enjoyed the extra time." apropos (French) - regarding Example: "Apropos of our earlier conversation, here is the report you requested." et al. (Latin: et alii) - and others Example: "The study by Smith et al. was groundbreaking in its findings." de facto (Latin) - in fact Example: "He is the de …
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