Using "I" Statements for Healthier Relationship

Using "I" Statements for Healthier Relationship
Using "I" statements can make it clear how you feel and what you want. An example of an "I" statement is, "I feel hurt when my feelings are ignored." "I would like to talk about how I am feeling." You use an "I" statement by filling in the blanks to this sentence: "I feel _____ when _____, and I would like _____." When using "I" statements, you are clearly sharing how you are feeling. It may take some time to get used to using them as we talk, but they can be very effective. When we use "I" statements correctly, we share our feelings honestly and in a positive way. This doesn't mean that you will automatically get your way, as everyone has the right to disagree or say no, just like you do. However, "I" statements make our messages clearer. Anyone from your grandmother to your therapist will tell you that one of the keys to a happy, healthy marriage is good communication. Practicing skills such…

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