Freedom: Synthesis of Individual & Collective Autonomies

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Dialectically, individual autonomy is intrinsically linked to collective autonomy. A hierarchical treatment of these concepts undermines both, leading to either a fragmented, undemocratic society or a tyranny of the majority. Therefore, a dialectical understanding of individual and collective autonomy is essential for the perpetuation of freedom.

Freedom as Synthesis

Freedom is the synthesis of individual and collective autonomies within an indispensable framework of multicultural pluralism and direct democracy. Without these elements, true freedom cannot exist. The balance and integration of these forms of autonomy are vital for a society where freedom is genuinely realized.

Multicultural Pluralism

The greater the participation of multicultural subjects in each council, the higher the chances of avoiding a parochial mindset. Without multicultural pluralism, hierarchical systems of narratives emerge, privileging one ideology, philosophy, or religious thought over others. This undermines the very essence of a democratic society.

Individual Autonomy and Its Space

Individual autonomy pertains to personal space, which includes all decisions affecting the person making them. This encompasses the right to personal property and free association. Infringing on another individual's space constitutes violence and ceases to be individual autonomy. Respecting individual autonomy means recognizing and protecting personal freedom and the choices that individuals make about their lives.

Collective Autonomy and Its Space

For a cohesive and democratic society, decisions affecting neighborhoods, streets, co-ops, and other collective properties fall within the domain of collective autonomy. These decisions should be made through directly democratic councils.Collective autonomy ensures that communities have control over matters that affect them, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility within the community.

Final Right to Say

In decisions targeting specific religions, races, or languages, the final say must always belong to the targeted community. This ensures that smaller groups are not dominated by larger ones based on race, language, religion, etc. Respecting the final right to say of targeted communities prevents the marginalization and oppression of minority groups and ensures that their voices are heard in matters that directly impact them.

Collective Autonomy in Practice

Collective autonomy can lead to a cohesive democratic society when individual autonomy is deemed uncompromisable. Free association and consensus-based decision-making are essential in councils. When collective or individual autonomy is compromised. Issues arising from such compromises can be addressed through peace committees and restorative justice. These mechanisms ensure that conflicts are resolved fairly and that the autonomy of all members is respected.

Direct Democracy

Individual and collective autonomy are inherently related to direct democracy, as manifested in small councils. In representative democracy, decisions are imposed on the people without their participation in the decision-making process. Without direct democracy and consensus-based decision-making in bottom-to-top structured councils, collective autonomy devolves into a hierarchical system. Representatives gain privilege over the represented, leading to a class of representatives who prioritize their self-interest over that of the people they represent. Direct democracy ensures that all members of the community have a voice in decision-making processes, preventing the concentration of power in the hands of a few.


A dialectical understanding of the interplay between individual and collective autonomy, reinforced by multicultural pluralism and direct democracy, is crucial for sustaining true freedom. Only through these principles can we ensure a cohesive, democratic society that respects and upholds the autonomy of all its members. Integration of these concepts is desideratum for creating a society where freedom is not just an ideal but a existential experience for everyone.

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