Freedom: Synthesis of Individual & Collective Autonomies

Freedom: Synthesis of Individual & Collective Autonomies
Dialectically, individual autonomy is intrinsically linked to collective autonomy. A hierarchical treatment of these concepts undermines both, leading to either a fragmented, undemocratic society or a tyranny of the majority. Therefore, a dialectical understanding of individual and collective autonomy is essential for the perpetuation of freedom. Freedom as Synthesis Freedom is the synthesis of individual and collective autonomies within an indispensable framework of multicultural pluralism and direct democracy. Without these elements, true freedom cannot exist. The balance and integration of these forms of autonomy are vital for a society where freedom is genuinely realized. Multicultural Pluralism The greater the participation of multicultural subjects in each council, the higher the chances of avoiding a parochial mindset. Without multicultural pluralism, hierarchical systems of narratives emerge, privileging one ideology, philosophy, or religious thought over others. This unde…
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  1. Mason
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