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Oedipus as a Tragic Hero

Oedipus, the central character in Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex," is a classic example of a tragic hero. A tragic hero is a character of noble stature and virtue who is destined for a downfall due to a tragic flaw or error in judgment.

Noble Birth and Status

Oedipus is the king of Thebes, a position he attained through his intelligence and courage in solving the riddle of the Sphinx. His noble birth and royal status fulfill the criteria of a tragic hero.

Tragic Flaw (Hamartia)

Oedipus's tragic flaw is his hubris, or excessive pride and self-confidence. He believes in his ability to solve any problem and control his fate. This hubris leads him to relentlessly pursue the truth about the plague in Thebes, unaware that he is uncovering the tragic details of his own life.

Reversal of Fortune (Peripeteia)

Oedipus experiences a significant reversal of fortune. Initially, he is the revered king of Thebes, known for his wisdom and problem-solving skills. However, as he unravels the truth about his identity, his fortunes decline dramatically. He becomes an outcast, blinded and in exile.

Tragic Recognition (Anagnorisis)

The moment of tragic recognition occurs when Oedipus realizes the truth about his parentage and the prophecy he unwittingly fulfilled. This moment of self-discovery is deeply painful and marks the culmination of his tragic journey.

Hubris Leading to Nemesis

Oedipus's excessive pride and determination to defy the gods and control his destiny lead to his downfall. His actions to avoid the prophesied fate ironically result in the fulfillment of that very fate.


Oedipus's story evokes a strong emotional response from the audience. The audience experiences catharsis, a purging of emotions, as they witness the tragic hero's fall from grace. Oedipus's suffering and realization of the consequences of his actions generate pity and fear.

Moral Standing and Virtue

Despite his tragic flaws, Oedipus possesses moral integrity and virtues. His initial actions are driven by a genuine desire to save Thebes from the plague. His commitment to uncovering the truth, even when it becomes personally devastating, reflects his moral character.

Ironic Circumstances

The irony in Oedipus's situation is profound. His attempts to escape the prophecy and prevent the tragic fate outlined for him inadvertently lead him directly to that fate. The audience witnesses the irony of Oedipus's self-inflicted suffering.

Abject Suffering

Oedipus undergoes intense suffering as he grapples with the realization of his identity and the consequences of his actions. His self-blinding is a physical manifestation of his emotional and psychological agony.

Doomed from the Start

Oedipus's tragic destiny is established from the beginning, creating a sense of inevitability in the unfolding events. The prophecy he tries to evade becomes the driving force behind his tragic journey.

Oedipus's character in "Oedipus Rex" exemplifies the tragic hero archetype, as his noble stature, tragic flaw, reversal of fortune, and ultimate realization contribute to the emotional impact and enduring significance of the play. The story of Oedipus serves as a timeless exploration of the human condition, fate, and the consequences of unchecked hubris.

About the author!
Prof Mohammad Ibrahim
Educator and Scholar
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim (Mike)
Educator, Author, Bilingual Poet, Translator & Scholar of Literature. A senior faculty member at Institute of English, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistsn.
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