Understanding Values and Attitudes

Understanding Values and Attitudes
Values & Attitudes: Exploring the Connection What is a Value? A value is a deeply ingrained belief that we hold as important, good, desirable, or worthwhile. It serves as a guiding principle, shaping our choices and actions in various aspects of life. Values are often expressed succinctly as a single word or a short phrase, encapsulating positive ideals that individuals or groups cherish. These fundamental principles can distinguish individuals from one another, yet they can also be shared collectively, whether within a cultural, social, political, or historical context. Dominant values, in particular, represent widely shared views among the majority of a society, influencing the collective mindset and shaping societal norms. What is an Attitude? An attitude is a nuanced way of thinking or feeling towards a particular object, concept, or situation. It encompasses our emotional and cognitive responses, often manifesting in our behavior, speech, and even the choices we make. Unlike value…
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