Summary of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The Mysterious Recall The novel "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens unfolds against the tumultuous backdrop of the late 18th century, encompassing the events leading up to and during the French Revolution. In 1775, Mr. Jarvis Lorry, an employee of Tellson’s Bank, travels to Dover on a mission to meet Lucie Manette. During his journey, he encounters a mysterious message, "Recalled to life." In Dover, he reveals to Lucie that her long-presumed dead father, Dr. Alexandre Manette, is alive, having been secretly imprisoned in France for 18 years. The Rescued Prisoner and the Revolution Lucie and Mr. Lorry bring Dr. Manette back to London, where his recovery begins. Charles Darnay, a French aristocrat, renounces his family's oppressive policies and moves to England. Meanwhile, the French Revolution gains momentum, with Defarge, a former servant of Dr. Manette, leading revolutionary activities from his wine shop in Paris. The oppressive behavior of the French aristoc…

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