Understanding the Elements of Communication

Table of Contents

Learning Targets

The students should be able to identify the different elements of communication.

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Recalling Key Concepts

Verbal communication involves the use of language to express ideas or emotions, while nonverbal communication includes body language, gestures, appearance, and silence.

Key Elements

Communication is comprised of various elements that play crucial roles in the process:

  • Sender: Initiates the communication process, encrypts the message, and selects a channel.
  • Receiver: Decodes, interprets, and responds to the message; can be an individual or a group.
  • Medium: The system of communication used, such as print, mass media, electricity, or digital.
  • Channel: The means through which a message is delivered, e.g., phone calls, text messages, emails, videos, radio, and social media.
  • Noise: Anything that hinders the receiver from fully understanding the message, whether external or internal disruptions.
  • Feedback: The reaction or response of the receiver, providing insight into their interpretation of the sender's message.
  • Context: Observable conditions affecting the message, including physical, psychological, social, and cultural aspects.

Exploring Key Concepts

Mediums are the systems facilitating communication, determining how messages move between senders and receivers. It includes print, mass media, electricity, and digital methods.

Understanding the Communication Process

The communication process begins with the sender, who selects a meaning, encrypts the message, and chooses a channel. The receiver then decodes, interprets, and responds, providing valuable feedback.

Noise, both external and internal, can disrupt communication at any point. Context encompasses various factors like physical, psychological, social, and cultural aspects, influencing the overall message.

Task: Illustrating the Communication Process

In the upcoming activity, create a flowchart or diagram to visually represent the communication process you've learned. Demonstrate how these elements work together in facilitating effective communication.

Courtesy of classwithmason.com

Elements of Communication: Easy Guide

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