Derrida’s Critique of Logocentrism

Derrida’s Critique of Logocentrism
Understanding Logocentrism Logocentrism (coined by Ludwig Klages) asserts that words and language directly represent an external reality. The concept of logos (meaning "word" in Greek) is considered epistemologically superior, creating a hierarchy where speech is privileged over writing. Derrida's Critique: Derrida challenges this hierarchy, introducing the term " ecriture " for abstract writing beyond specific languages. Think of a radio broadcast (" ecriture ") reaching diverse audiences, transcending language barriers. Poststructuralism , influenced by Derrida, questions binary oppositions such as presence/absence. It suggests a fluid interplay of meanings, breaking free from rigid hierarchies and encouraging a more nuanced exploration of linguistic phenomena. Derrida's impact extends beyond philosophy, influencing literature and culture. His concept of " différance " (a play on "difference" and "defer") underscores that mean…

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