The Dark Lullaby by Mason Carter

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The Dark Lullaby

Aethusia! What a seraphic name,
Abysmal beauty, so flawless a dame.
With ebon gown an' skin so pale,
My own love from the darkened hell.

Reckless sombre beauty I found,
Thou bides where daimons abound.
Whence she lingers into the gloom,
Black roses, with life, they bloom.

Thy very presence etherealizes infernal abidance,
Mad sanity, igniting heart an' screaming silence.
'Tis the cryptic alchemy of my ironical idolatry,
Mind me one more of thy wretched helotry.
Single smile conceals zillion showers of rain,
My sweet cravings no longer get constrained.
Inamorata, if ever thou did or shall come by,
By thy sepulchre, I lament this dark lullaby.

-Mason Carter

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