Mastering Signposting in Academic Writing

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Signposting is a crucial technique in academic writing. It involves using words and phrases strategically to guide your reader through your essay or dissertation. Two main types of signposting are: 1. Major Signposts: introductions, conclusions and outlining main arguments/ the direction of the argument in paragraphs/opening phrases. 2. Linking Words & Short Phrases: linking ideas, sentences and paragraphs. Linking Words & Short Phrases ✓ To add more ideas: again, furthermore, in addition, moreover ✓ To compare or contrast ideas: alternatively, contrastingly, conversely, whereas ✓ To prove something: evidently, for this reason, because, inevitably ✓ To show exceptions: however, nevertheless, yet, in spite of ✓ To repeat or refer back to something: as has been mentioned/noted…/As previously discussed ✓ To show that you will include something later: this will be discussed in detail later ✓ To emphasise something: definitely, obviously, inevitably, undeniably ✓ To give an ex…
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