Exploring Assonance in Poetry

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Assonance is a literary device where similar vowel sounds repeat in two or more words within close proximity in poetry or prose. It often involves internal vowel sounds in words that don't rhyme. Assonance can emphasize important words, create rhythm, enhance mood, and add a lyrical quality to language. Understanding Assonance Assonance, derived from the Latin "assonare" meaning "to answer with the same sound," is a powerful tool in literature. It involves the repetition of vowel sounds in words within the same line or passage, even if the words don't rhyme perfectly. This repetition creates a musical or rhythmic quality in the text. Examples of Assonance in Everyday Language Assonance is not limited to literature; it's also found in everyday phrases and expressions that people use for emphasis or to convey a certain mood. Here are some common examples: Son of a gun The cat is out of the bag Dumb luck After awhile, crocodile Chips and dip Cock of the walk Goodnigh…
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