Defeated By Love, Rumi, Summary & Analysis

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"Defeated By Love" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi is a short yet deeply spiritual poem that explores the overpowering and transformative nature of love. The poem depicts the profound impact of love on the speaker's soul, leading them to a state of surrender and readiness to forsake worldly life.

"Defeated By Love" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

The sky was lit
by the splendor of the moon
So powerful
I fell to the ground
Your love
has made me sure
I am ready to forsake
this worldly life
and surrender
to the magnificence
of your Being


"Defeated By Love" describes a transformative experience in which the speaker is deeply affected by the brilliance of the moonlight, which symbolizes the overwhelming power of love. The intensity of this love causes the speaker to fall to the ground, overwhelmed by its force. The poem suggests that the love they have experienced has made them certain and resolute. In response to this profound love, the speaker expresses a readiness to abandon worldly life and surrender to the magnificence of the beloved's Being.

Critical Analysis

The poem illustrates the profound impact of love on the human soul. The moonlight serves as a metaphor for the radiant and transformative nature of love. The speaker's falling to the ground represents their vulnerability and submission to the overwhelming force of love.

The poem emphasizes the certainty and conviction that love has instilled in the speaker. This certainty leads them to a willingness to forsake the material world and surrender to the magnificence of the beloved's Being. It conveys the idea that love can lead to a spiritual awakening and a desire for transcendence.


  • Transformative Power of Love: The poem explores how love can be a profoundly transformative force, leading the speaker to a state of surrender and spiritual awakening.
  • Vulnerability: The speaker's fall to the ground symbolizes their vulnerability in the face of overwhelming love and the recognition of their own limitations.
  • Desire for Transcendence: The poem conveys the speaker's readiness to forsake worldly life and seek a deeper connection with the beloved's spiritual essence, reflecting a desire for transcendence.


  • Overwhelmed: The poem portrays the speaker's overwhelming experience of love, which causes them to fall to the ground.
  • Certainty: The speaker expresses a deep sense of certainty and readiness in response to the love they have encountered.
  • Readiness to Surrender: The poem conveys the speaker's willingness to forsake the material world and surrender to the magnificence of the beloved's Being.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The moonlight serves as a metaphor for the radiant and transformative nature of love, illuminating the sky and the speaker's soul.

Discussion Question

How does "Defeated By Love" by Rumi depict the transformative power of love and the speaker's willingness to surrender to it? What does the moonlight symbolize in the poem, and how does it contribute to the portrayal of love's intensity?

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