Bandwagon: Persuasive Technique and Examples

Bandwagon is a persuasive technique and form of propaganda employed by writers to sway readers by suggesting that since the majority agrees with an argument, the reader should too. It encourages individuals to follow the crowd or conform to popular opinions. Usage in Literature, Politics, and More Whether encountered while listening to a politician or reading a book, the bandwagon technique often seeks to influence the audience's thoughts and actions by leveraging the power of collective agreement, even if individuals possess their own beliefs and ideas. Examples of Bandwagon in Literature Example #1: George Orwell's "Animal Farm" "In the novel Animal Farm, George Orwell effectively utilizes the bandwagon technique. The song 'Beasts of England' is initially embraced by all animals, creating the illusion of widespread approval. Boxer, a loyal and powerful animal, unintentionally promotes bandwagon propaganda by unquestionably following Comrade Napoleon…
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