Bad Dreams, Rumi, Summary & Analysis

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"Bad Dreams" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi is a reflective and philosophical poem that explores the themes of self-awareness, awakening, and the transient nature of human suffering. The poem encourages readers to gain perspective on their own lives and recognize the illusory nature of negative experiences.

"Bad Dreams" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

One day you will look back and laugh at yourself.
You'll say, ‘ I can't believe I was so asleep!
How did I ever forget the truth?
How ridiculous to believe that sadness and sickness
Are anything other than bad dreams.'


"Bad Dreams" presents a contemplation of the human condition. The poem begins with a statement about future self-reflection. It suggests that at some point in the future, individuals will look back on their past selves and find amusement in their previous state of unawareness. The poem invites readers to consider their own journey toward awakening and self-realization.

The central idea revolves around recognizing the transient and illusory nature of negative emotions and experiences such as sadness and sickness. The speaker asserts that in hindsight, it will seem ridiculous to have believed in the permanence and reality of these negative states. Instead, they are compared to "bad dreams," suggesting that they are fleeting and insubstantial.

Critical Analysis

The poem encourages readers to adopt a more detached and enlightened perspective on their own lives and experiences. It suggests that personal growth and self-awareness lead to a deeper understanding of the impermanence of suffering.

The use of humor, such as the idea of laughing at one's past self, adds a light-hearted and relatable element to the poem. It implies that the journey toward self-realization can be both enlightening and humorous in retrospect.

By referring to sadness and sickness as "bad dreams," the poem emphasizes their illusory nature. This metaphor encourages readers to question the reality of their own negative emotions and experiences and to see them as passing phenomena.


  • Self-Awareness: The poem explores the theme of self-awareness and the idea that personal growth leads to a clearer understanding of one's own experiences.
  • Awakening: It conveys the concept of awakening to a deeper truth or reality beyond the surface of negative emotions and suffering.
  • Transience of Suffering: The poem highlights the impermanent and illusory nature of sadness and sickness, framing them as fleeting "bad dreams."


  • Amusement and Self-Reflection: The poem suggests that future self-reflection will be characterized by amusement at one's previous state of unawareness.
  • Recognition of Truth: It encourages the recognition of a deeper truth beyond the transient experiences of suffering.

Literary Devices

  • Metaphor: The metaphor of "bad dreams" is used to liken sadness and sickness to fleeting and insubstantial experiences.
  • Irony: The poem employs irony by presenting the idea of future laughter and amusement at one's past self, contrasting with the seriousness of the subject matter.

Discussion Question

How does "Bad Dreams" by Rumi convey the idea that sadness and sickness are akin to "bad dreams" and encourages self-awareness and awakening? How does humor play a role in the poem's message?

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