Bad Dreams, Rumi, Summary & Analysis

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"Bad Dreams" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi is a reflective and philosophical poem that explores the themes of self-awareness, awakening, and the transient nature of human suffering. The poem encourages readers to gain perspective on their own lives and recognize the illusory nature of negative experiences. "Bad Dreams" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi One day you will look back and laugh at yourself. You'll say, ‘ I can't believe I was so asleep! How did I ever forget the truth? How ridiculous to believe that sadness and sickness Are anything other than bad dreams.' Summary "Bad Dreams" presents a contemplation of the human condition. The poem begins with a statement about future self-reflection. It suggests that at some point in the future, individuals will look back on their past selves and find amusement in their previous state of unawareness. The poem invites readers to consider their own journey toward awakening and self-realization. The central idea …
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