At The Twilight, Rumi, Summary & Analysis

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"At The Twilight" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi is a mystical and metaphorical poem that explores the themes of transformation, transcendence, and the merging of the self with the divine. The poem uses the imagery of a moon appearing in the sky and descending to earth to convey the idea of a spiritual journey and union with the divine. It evokes a sense of awe and wonder at the transformative power of spiritual experiences. "At The Twilight" by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky; Then it landed on earth to look at me. Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey; That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky. I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore; For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul. The nine spheres disappeared in that moon; The ship of my existence drowned in that sea. Summary "At The Twilight" is a spiritually charged poem that describes a transformative experience. The poem begins with the appearance…
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