Aphorisms: Unveiling the Wisdom in Short Sayings

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An aphorism, a concise and often humorous saying, offers a glimpse into universal truths. These short and impactful statements aim to resonate with a broad audience, delivering wisdom and understanding. Yet, as they become overused, aphorisms can lose their original meaning and impact. The Role of Aphorisms in Literature In literature, aphorisms function as proverbs, maxims, or adages that convey philosophical or moral insights. They also showcase a writer's wit and sense of irony. Readers can easily grasp and remember aphorisms, making them effective tools when used judiciously. Exploring Common Aphorism Examples Let's delve into some familiar aphorisms: "Youth is a blunder; Manhood a struggle; Old age regret." - Benjamin Disraeli "Pride goeth before a fall." - Proverb "The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." - William Faulkner "Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late." - Benjamin Franklin "…
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