Antecedent: Clarity Through Reference

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Antecedent is a literary device that plays a crucial role in ensuring clarity in sentences. It refers to an earlier clause, phrase, or word to which a pronoun, noun, or another word in a sentence refers. This device aids in avoiding ambiguity and maintaining precision in written and spoken language. Difference Between Antecedent and Postcedent Antecedent and postcedent are contrasting terms. "Antecedent" refers to something that comes before or in front of, particularly in the context of language and reference. It is the expression that gives meaning to proforms (such as nouns, pronouns, pro-adverbs, or pro-verbs) by providing context. Proforms, in turn, follow their respective antecedents, as seen in sentences like "Elizabeth says she likes coffee." On the other hand, "postcedent" refers to something that comes after or behind, often providing context for proforms that precede it. For instance, "When it gets ready, I shall definitely get my cup of tea…
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