Within My Reach, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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In "WITHIN MY REACH!" by Emily Dickinson, the poet captures the fleeting nature of opportunities and the sense of missed chances. Through vivid imagery and concise language, the poem conveys a bittersweet reflection on the choices we make and the moments we let slip away. WITHIN MY REACH! Within my reach ! I could have touched ! I might have chanced that way ! Soft sauntered through the village, Sauntered as soft away ! So unsuspected violets Within the fields lie low ; Too late for striving fingers That passed, an hour ago. Summary "WITHIN MY REACH!" encapsulates the theme of missed opportunities. The speaker reflects on a moment that was within their reach but passed them by. They express regret for not seizing the chance, comparing it to violets hidden in the fields that have become unreachable. The poem conveys a sense of wistfulness and the recognition that some opportunities are lost forever. Critical Analysis The brevity of the poem emphasizes its theme of misse…
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