William Blake: Biography & Works

  • 1757: Born on November 28th in London, England, at 28 Broad Street, Soho.
  • 1767: Experienced a vision of celestial beings on Peckham Rye. Attended Henry Pars' drawing school.
  • 1769: Started writing poems at age twelve.
  • 1772: Apprenticed to the engraver James Basire.
  • 1774: Created sketches of old buildings for Basire.
  • 1779: Admitted to the Royal Academy Schools for engraving.
  • 1780: First exhibited works at the Royal Academy. Involved in the Gordon Riots.
  • 1782: Married Catherine Boucher on August 18th at St. Mary’s Church, Battersea.
  • 1788: Publicly acknowledged belief in Emanuel Swedenborg's religious doctrines.
  • 1791: Initiated printing of "The French Revolution" and contributed engravings to Wollstonecraft’s book.
  • 1793: Published a prospectus for the sale of engravings and illuminated books.
  • 1827: Passed away on August 12th at 3 Fountain Court, London, aged 69.

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