Wealth, Langston Hughes: Summary & Analysis

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"Wealth" by Langston Hughes explores the concept of true wealth through the lens of goodness, kindness, and love. The poem contrasts material wealth and power with the inherent value of virtuous qualities, emphasizing the enduring grandeur of acts of kindness and love as compared to the temporal might of kings and external riches. Wealth From Christ to Ghandi Appears this truth St. Francis of Assisi Proves it, too: Goodness becomes grandeur Surpassing might of kings. Halos of kindness Brighter shine Than crowns of gold, And brighter Than rich diamonds Sparkles The simple dew Of love. Critical Analysis "Wealth" presents a meditative exploration of wealth as understood through the lens of virtue and kindness. The poem highlights the idea that the true measure of wealth lies in the intrinsic value of goodness, kindness, and love, which transcend material possessions and temporal power. The poem references historical figures such as Christ, Gandhi, and St. Francis of Ass…
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