Ut Sementem Feceris, Ita Mates, Voltairine de Cleyre: Summary & Analysis

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"UT SEMENTEM FECERIS, ITA METES" by Voltairine de Cleyre is a powerful and poignant expression of anger and condemnation directed at the oppressive regime and its cruel actions. The poem addresses the suffering of a political prisoner, particularly a woman, being flogged to death in Siberia. Through vivid imagery and a sense of impending justice, the poem highlights the inevitability of retribution for such inhumanity. UT SEMENTEM FECERIS, ITA METES How many drops must gather to the skies Before the cloud-burst comes, we may not know; How hot the fires in under hells must glow Ere the volcano's scalding lavas rise, Can none say; but all wot the hour is sure! Who dreams of vengeance has but to endure! He may not say how many blows must fall, How many lives be broken on the wheel, How many corpses stiffen 'neath the pall, How many martyrs fix the blood-red seal; But certain is the harvest time of Hate! And when weak moans, by an indignant world Re-echoed, to a throne a…
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