To My Mother, Voltairine de Cleyre: Summary & Analysis

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"To My Mother" by Voltairine de Cleyre is a reflective and introspective poem that explores the nature of different souls and the varied ways they experience life. Through the metaphor of cloud-shrouded hearts and flower-cupped souls, the poem contemplates the contrast between internal richness and external expression. The poem conveys a sense of longing for openness and connection, while acknowledging the complexities of individual experiences. To My Mother Some souls there are which never live their life; Some suns there are which never pierce their cloud; Some hearts there are which cup their perfume in, And yield no incense to the outer air. Cloud-shrouded, flower-cupped heart: such is thine own: So dost thou live with all thy brightness hid; So dost thou dwell with all thy perfume close; Rich in thy treasured wealth, aye, rich indeed— And they are wrong who say thou "dost not feel." But I—I need blue air and opened bloom; To keep my music means that it must di…
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