They Went Home, Maya Angelou: Summary & Analysis

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"They Went Home" by Maya Angelou is a poignant and thought-provoking poem that reflects on the shallow and fleeting nature of certain relationships. Through a powerful repetition structure and evocative language, the poem explores themes of perception, appearances, and the disconnect between the speaker's inner self and how others perceive her. They Went Home by Maya Angelou They went home and told their wives, that never once in all their lives, had they known a girl like me, But... They went home. They said my house was licking clean, no word I spoke was ever mean, I had an air of mystery, But... They went home. My praises were on all men's lips, they liked my smile, my wit, my hips, they'd spend one night, or two or three. But... Summary "They Went Home" is a contemplative poem that delves into the contrast between how the speaker is perceived by others and the reality of her experiences. The poem captures the fleeting nature of relationships that are …
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