The Little Boy Lost, William Blake: Summary & Analysis

Table of Contents

In William Blake's poem "The Little Boy Lost," the speaker portrays a poignant scene of a lost child searching for his father in the darkness. The poem delves into themes of innocence, vulnerability, and the yearning for guidance. Through a child's perspective, Blake captures the emotions of fear and abandonment while evoking a sense of mystery and melancholy.

The Little Boy Lost by William Blake

‘‘Father, father, where are you going?
Oh do not walk so fast!
Speak, father, speak to your little boy,
Or else I shall be lost.’’
The night was dark, no father was there,
The child was wet with dew;
The mire was deep, and the child did weep,
And away the vapour flew.

Critical Analysis

"The Little Boy Lost" by William Blake presents a poignant portrayal of a young child's vulnerability and fear as he searches for his father in the darkness. The poem captures the universal experience of feeling lost and abandoned, highlighting the child's desperate plea for guidance and reassurance.

Split into Parts

The poem can be divided into two parts based on its thematic progression:

  1. Child's Plea and Father's Absence: The first part introduces the child's urgent plea for his father's attention and the absence of the father in the dark night.
  2. Child's Emotions and Departure: The second part describes the child's emotional distress, his tears, and the departure of the mist, highlighting his sense of abandonment.


"The Little Boy Lost" by William Blake portrays the poignant scene of a lost child seeking his father's guidance in the darkness. The child's desperate plea for communication and the absence of his father create a sense of vulnerability and fear. The imagery of the night, dew, and mire evokes a feeling of mystery and melancholy. The poem encapsulates the universal emotions of abandonment and the yearning for protection, inviting readers to reflect on the themes of innocence, vulnerability, and the need for guidance.

Themes of the Poem

  • Innocence and Vulnerability: The poem portrays the child's innocence and vulnerability as he searches for his father in the darkness, highlighting his dependence on guidance and protection.
  • Fear and Abandonment: The child's fear of being lost and abandoned in the darkness reflects a universal human emotion, emphasizing the need for reassurance and support.
  • Yearning for Guidance: The child's plea for his father to speak to him underscores the universal desire for guidance and communication, especially in moments of uncertainty.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Direct Address: The poem employs direct address as the child speaks to his father, creating an intimate and emotional connection with the reader.
  • Imagery: The imagery of darkness, wetness, and the mire creates a vivid sensory experience, conveying the child's emotions and the challenges he faces.
  • Tone: The tone shifts from urgency in the beginning to sadness and resignation as the child's cries go unanswered.


  • Vulnerability and Fear: The child's vulnerability and fear are evident in his urgent plea and his tears as he faces the challenges of the night.
  • Desperation and Longing: The child's desperate longing for his father's presence and guidance is conveyed through his repeated requests for communication.


  • Repetition: The repetition of "father" and "speak" underscores the child's yearning for communication and his emotional state.
  • Contrast: The contrast between the darkness of the night and the child's vulnerability adds depth to the emotional impact of the poem.

Sound Devices

  • Rhyme Scheme: The poem follows an AABB rhyme scheme, contributing to its rhythmic flow and musicality.
  • Alliteration: Alliteration, such as "father, father" and "child did weep," enhances the rhythm and resonance of the lines.
Related Notes

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