The Little Boy Found, William Blake: Summary & Analysis

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In "The Little Boy Found" by William Blake, the poet presents a poignant narrative that contrasts feelings of loss and abandonment with the comfort of divine intervention and reunion. Through the vivid imagery of a lost child's journey and the symbolic presence of God, Blake explores themes of guidance, protection, and the inherent connection between the human and the divine.

The Little Boy Found by William Blake

The little boy lost in the lonely fen, Led by the wandering light, Began to cry, but God, ever nigh, Appeared like his father, in white. He kissed the child, and by the hand led, And to his mother brought, Who in sorrow pale, through the lonely dale, The little boy weeping sought.

Critical Analysis

"The Little Boy Found" serves as a thematic counterpart to its companion poem, "The Little Boy Lost." While both poems explore the experience of a lost child, this poem offers a resolution through divine intervention, portraying God's presence as a guiding and comforting force.

The opening lines, "The little boy lost in the lonely fen, / Led by the wandering light," depict the child's state of vulnerability and confusion as they navigate the unfamiliar and isolated surroundings. The wandering light can be seen as a symbol of guidance and hope.

God's appearance "like his father, in white" serves as a powerful representation of divine care and protection. The act of kissing the child and leading them by the hand emphasizes the personal and nurturing nature of this intervention. The imagery evokes a sense of familial comfort and safety.

The reunion with the mother in the "lonely dale" reflects a restoration of familial bonds and emotional connections. The mother's presence contrasts with her earlier absence in "The Little Boy Lost," underscoring the transformative effect of divine intervention.

Overall, "The Little Boy Found" portrays the themes of guidance, divine presence, and reunion, providing a hopeful resolution to the emotional journey of the lost child.

Themes of the Poem

  • Divine Intervention: The presence of God symbolizes divine guidance, comfort, and protection.
  • Reunion and Resolution: The child's reunion with both God and their mother suggests a resolution to the emotional turmoil presented in "The Little Boy Lost."
  • Guidance and Comfort: The poem emphasizes the guiding and comforting role that divine presence plays in times of distress.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Imagery: The poem's vivid imagery creates a clear mental picture of the lost child, the divine figure, and the surrounding environment.
  • Symbolism: The appearance of God as a fatherly figure in white clothing symbolizes care, protection, and purity.
  • Emotional Contrast: The contrast between the child's initial cry and their eventual reunion with the mother highlights the emotional journey of the poem.


  • Confusion and Vulnerability: The child's initial state of being lost and alone conveys feelings of confusion and vulnerability.
  • Divine Comfort: The presence of God brings a sense of reassurance, comfort, and protection to the child's experience.
  • Reunion and Joy: The reunion with the mother elicits a sense of joy, relief, and emotional completion.


  • Descriptive Language: The descriptive language paints a vivid picture of the child's emotional state, the divine appearance, and the setting.
  • Sympathetic Tone: The poem's tone conveys empathy for the child's distress and a sense of hope through divine intervention.

Sound Devices

  • Rhythmic Flow: The poem's rhythmic flow enhances the narrative aspect of the story and the emotional resonance of the verses.
  • Alliteration: The repetition of the "l" sound in "little boy lost" and "lonely dale" contributes to the auditory quality of the poem.
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