The Gentian Weaves Her Fringes, Emily Dickinson: Summary & Analysis

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"The Gentian Weaves Her Fringes" by Emily Dickinson contemplates the fleeting nature of life and the transition from life to death. Through vivid imagery and poignant language, the poem explores the cyclical process of life, departure, and the hope for an afterlife. The poem presents a scene where nature's elements, including flowers, trees, birds, and insects, come together to symbolize the journey of departing life.

The Gentian Weaves Her Fringes

The Gentian weaves her fringes —
The Maple's loom is red —
My departing blossoms
Obviate parade.
A brief, but patient illness —
An hour to prepare,
And one below this morning
Is where the angels are —
It was a short procession,
The Bobolink was there —
An aged Bee addressed us —
And then we knelt in prayer —
We trust that she was willing —
We ask that we may be.
Summer — Sister — Seraph!
Let us go with thee!
In the name of the Bee —
And of the Butterfly —
And of the Breeze — Amen!


"The Gentian Weaves Her Fringes" by Emily Dickinson reflects on the transient nature of life and the transition from life to death. The poem portrays a scene where natural elements such as flowers and trees participate in a symbolic procession that represents the departure of a life. The poem describes the process of preparing for death and the hope for a peaceful transition to an afterlife, likening the journey to a brief but significant procession.

Critical Analysis

"The Gentian Weaves Her Fringes" illustrates Emily Dickinson's skill in using vivid imagery and symbolism to evoke complex emotions and themes. The poem's portrayal of nature's elements participating in a symbolic procession adds depth and layers of meaning to the exploration of life, death, and the transition between the two.

The opening lines introduce the Gentian, a flower, "weaving her fringes," and the Maple tree with its red leaves, conjuring an image of natural processes and cycles. The use of "weaving" suggests a deliberate and intricate process, and the "fringes" of the Gentian's petals could symbolize the edges of life and death.

The departure of blossoms is described as obviating a parade, implying that nature's cycles are their own procession, distinct from human festivities. This introduces the theme of life's cyclical nature and its inevitability, suggesting that life and death are both part of a larger, natural rhythm.

The poem then transitions to the preparation for death, characterized as a "brief, but patient illness." The brevity of the illness underscores life's transience, while the notion of patience adds an element of acceptance and readiness for what comes next.

The reference to "one below this morning" hints at the afterlife, a place "where the angels are." The poem's portrayal of the afterlife as an elevated and heavenly realm aligns with religious conceptions of an existence beyond earthly life.

The procession is described as "short," involving the presence of a Bobolink (a bird known for its cheerful song) and an aged Bee. These natural elements gather in a symbolic gesture to mark the departure. The act of kneeling in prayer adds a solemn and spiritual dimension to the scene, suggesting a respectful farewell and the hope for a peaceful transition.

The plea to go with the departed is directed to "Summer — Sister — Seraph," using rich imagery to convey the idea of a heavenly companion in the afterlife. The concluding stanza invokes the names of natural elements — the Bee, the Butterfly, and the Breeze — as if to seek their blessings for the departed's journey, adding a sense of unity between the human and natural worlds.


  • Transience of Life: The poem delves into the transient nature of life, using the imagery of departing blossoms and natural cycles to illustrate the inevitability of both life and death.
  • Nature's Participation: The poem highlights the interconnectedness between human life and the natural world. Flowers, trees, birds, and insects symbolically participate in the departing process, reinforcing the idea that life and death are part of a larger cosmic rhythm.
  • Afterlife and Spirituality: The poem introduces themes of spirituality and the afterlife through references to angels and prayers. The hope for a peaceful transition to an elevated realm suggests a belief in the continuation of existence beyond earthly life.


  • Acceptance: The poem conveys an attitude of acceptance towards the natural processes of life and death. The brief, patient illness and the solemn preparations suggest a willingness to embrace what lies ahead.
  • Hope and Spirituality: The poem conveys a sense of hope and spirituality, particularly in the references to angels and prayers. The plea to go with the departed reflects a yearning for a peaceful and transcendent afterlife.


  • Imagery: The poem employs vivid imagery to evoke the natural world and the procession of departing life. The descriptions of flowers, trees, birds, and insects create a rich visual tapestry that adds depth to the poem's themes.
  • Symbolism: The Gentian, Maple, Bobolink, and Bee serve as symbolic elements that represent various aspects of life, death, and the afterlife. These symbols contribute to the poem's layered meanings.

Literary Devices

  • Symbolism: The use of natural elements as symbols enhances the poem's depth and complexity. The Gentian, Maple, Bobolink, and Bee symbolize different stages and aspects of life and death.
  • Imagery: The poem's vivid and evocative imagery paints a vivid picture of the scene and the emotions it evokes. The imagery enhances the reader's emotional connection to the themes explored.
  • Parallelism: The repetition of the phrase "We trust that she was willing" and the subsequent request "We ask that we may be" employs parallel structure, emphasizing the shared hopes and desires of the living and the departed.
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