The Everlasting Gospel, William Blake: Summary & Analysis

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"The Everlasting Gospel" by William Blake challenges conventional depictions of Jesus and his teachings. It presents an alternative vision of Christ that contrasts with the traditional image. The poem questions whether Jesus was truly gentle or if his actions displayed gentility. It explores the theme of temptation, portraying Satan's challenge to Jesus' resolve. The poem delves into the relationships between Jesus, his disciples, and Mary Magdalene, suggesting a different perspective. It also challenges established religious norms, focusing on themes of sin, repentance, and divine mercy. Ultimately, the poem presents a unique interpretation of Jesus' life and teachings, urging readers to question and reevaluate traditional beliefs.

The Everlasting Gospel:Poem Text

Summary: Key Ideas

1. There's a vision of Jesus that contradicts the usual view.
2. The traditional image differs from the poet's personal vision.
3. The common depiction of Jesus with a hook nose is not how the poet sees it.
4. The poet envisions Jesus with a snub nose, not the conventional hook nose.
5. While the regular Christ is a friend to all, the poet's Christ speaks in parables to the spiritually blind.
6. Unlike the traditional Christ who loves the world, the poet's Christ opposes it.
7. What's seen as heaven's gates in one view, is hell's gates in the other.
8. Examples of historical figures, Socrates and Caiaphas, illustrate the contrast.
9. Socrates, seen as a curse, versus Caiaphas, believing he benefits humanity.
10. Both interpretations diligently read the Bible, but draw opposing moral lessons.
11. The question arises – was Jesus truly gentle or did he show gentility?
12. At twelve, Jesus distressed his parents, returning with a sense of purpose.
13. In a scene of temptation, Satan challenges Jesus, who triumphs.
14. Satan's defiance versus John the Baptist's cries from the wilderness.
15. Jesus resists temptation and evil forces.
16. Jesus' approach to enemies is questioned – did it betray his friends?
17. The idea that Jesus fostered doubt and experimentation is explored.
18. The birth of Jesus and his humility are subjects of inquiry.
19. The conventional story of Jesus' birth is challenged.
20. Jesus' connection with Mary Magdalene is highlighted.
21. Themes of sin, repentance, and divine mercy are portrayed.
22. Jesus' meekness is questioned – he disrupts norms and encourages self-awareness.
23. This unconventional Christ prompts change and introspection.
24. The poem challenges established notions of Jesus' life and teachings.

Critical Analysis

"The Everlasting Gospel" by William Blake is a provocative and subversive work that challenges established notions of Christianity and offers a radical reinterpretation of Christ and his teachings. Through a series of satirical and paradoxical verses, Blake critiques traditional religious dogma, morality, and the concept of divinity, while also exploring themes of human nature, temptation, and salvation.
1. Alternative Vision of Christ: The poem begins by presenting an alternative vision of Christ, one that contrasts with the conventional image of a gentle and meek Savior. Blake's Christ challenges the norms, displaying a "great hook nose" and a willingness to speak in "parables to the blind," suggesting a more enigmatic and complex figure than the traditional depiction.
2. Paradoxes and Irony: Blake employs paradox and irony throughout the poem to disrupt conventional understanding. Lines like "Thine loves the same world that mine hates; / Thy heaven doors are my hell gates" challenge the perceived binary between good and evil, suggesting a more nuanced interplay between these concepts.
3. Critique of Religious Figures: The poem criticizes prominent religious figures, such as Socrates and Caiaphas, suggesting that even those considered wise or righteous are subject to misjudgment and flaws. This challenges the unquestioning reverence often associated with religious leaders.
4. Rejection of Humility: Blake's Christ rejects traditional notions of humility, asserting his individuality and divine purpose. This rejection is exemplified in the dialogue between Christ and Mary Magdalene, where he asserts his role and refuses to pray for the world, challenging the idea of intercession on behalf of humanity.
5. Challenging Conventional Morality: The poem questions conventional morality, especially concerning sexual ethics. The portrayal of Mary Magdalene challenges the perception of sin and virtue, suggesting that the labels assigned by society may not accurately reflect an individual's true nature.
6. Subversion of Authority: Blake critiques religious and political authority figures. The reference to "Moses' chair" and the act of overturning the "tent of secret sins" can be interpreted as a rejection of authoritative structures that suppress individual freedom and authentic spiritual experience.
7. Symbolism and Allegory: Blake employs symbolic and allegorical elements throughout the poem. The "seven devils" tormenting Mary Magdalene, for example, can be interpreted as representing the complexities and contradictions within human nature.
8. Divine Wrath and Love: The poem portrays a Christ who possesses both wrath and love, challenging the notion of a purely benevolent and forgiving deity. This duality emphasizes the complexity of divine nature and challenges simplistic religious narratives.
9. Radical Liberation: The poem suggests that true liberation and spiritual growth involve breaking free from societal norms and religious constraints. The rejection of conventional beliefs and the embrace of individualistic paths to enlightenment underscore Blake's belief in personal exploration and transformation.

In "The Everlasting Gospel," Blake critiques established religious norms, challenges conventional morality, and presents a thought-provoking reinterpretation of Christ's character and teachings. Through paradoxes, irony, and symbolism, Blake invites readers to question and reevaluate their understanding of religion, spirituality, and the nature of divinity. The poem's subversive and challenging nature remains relevant, encouraging ongoing discourse and exploration of these timeless themes.

Literary Devices in "The Everlasting Gospel"

  • Paradox: The poem is rich with paradoxical statements that challenge conventional wisdom and provoke contemplation.
  • Irony: Blake employs irony to criticize established religious institutions and challenge societal norms.
  • Allusion: The poem makes allusions to biblical figures and narratives, adding depth by connecting to familiar religious contexts.
  • Symbolism: Symbolism is used extensively throughout the poem, such as the "seven devils" tormenting Mary Magdalene.
  • Dialogue: The poem features dialogues between Christ and various characters, presenting contrasting viewpoints.
  • Repetition: Blake uses repetition for emphasis, like the line "Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast."
  • Rhetorical Questions: The poem is filled with rhetorical questions that encourage reflection.
  • Contrast: The poem employs contrast to highlight the difference between the speaker's vision and conventional understanding.
  • Juxtaposition: Blake juxtaposes the speaker's visionary perspective with the traditional interpretation.
  • Satire: The poem employs satire to criticize religious hypocrisy and societal norms.
  • Imagery: Blake uses vivid imagery, like "A dead body, reviving / remains," to convey themes.
  • Direct Address to the Reader: The poem engages the audience by addressing them directly.
  • Mythological References: The poem references both biblical and mythological concepts, blurring the lines between traditions.


In "The Everlasting Gospel" by William Blake, various attitudes and feelings are portrayed through the speaker's perspective, interactions with characters, and the overall tone of the poem. Here are some of the prominent attitudes and feelings:

1. Contradiction and Paradox: The poem begins with contradictory statements that set the tone for the speaker's unconventional perspective.
2. Critical of Religious Institutions: The speaker expresses a critical attitude towards organized religion and its dogmas.
3. Visionary and Revelatory: The speaker's attitude is visionary, as he claims to have seen a new gospel.
4. Empathy and Understanding: The speaker demonstrates empathy towards human struggles, depicting Mary Magdalene's torment and Christ's interactions.
5. Defiance and Nonconformity: The poem's tone conveys defiance against societal norms and religious orthodoxy.
6. Skepticism and Doubt: The speaker questions Christ's role and the effectiveness of traditional religious teachings.
7. Hope and Redemption: Despite criticism, an underlying sense of hope is present, emphasizing divine elements within each individual.
8. Irony and Sarcasm: The poem features ironic and sarcastic undertones, particularly in portraying conventional religious narratives.
9. Frustration and Urgency: Urgency to convey the new gospel and frustration with people's preconceptions create an impassioned tone.
10. Empowerment and Liberation: The speaker's rejection of religious intermediaries reflects empowerment and liberation.

"The Everlasting Gospel" encapsulates a range of attitudes and feelings, from defiance and criticism to hope and visionary passion. These emotional elements contribute to the poem's thought-provoking and multi-layered nature.
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