The Blossom, William Blake: Summary & Analysis

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In "The Blossom" by William Blake, the poet presents a delicate and vivid portrayal of nature's harmony and interconnectedness. Through the interactions between birds and blossoms, Blake explores themes of joy, innocence, and the cyclical nature of life. Using rich imagery and a lyrical tone, the poem captures the beauty and fleeting moments of the natural world.

The Blossom by William Blake

Merry, merry sparrow!
Under leaves so green
A happy blossom
Sees you, swift as arrow,
Seek your cradle narrow,
Near my bosom.

Pretty, pretty robin!
Under leaves so green
A happy blossom
Hears you sobbing, sobbing,
Pretty, pretty robin,
Near my bosom.

Critical Analysis

"The Blossom" by William Blake is a brief but enchanting poem that celebrates the interplay between nature's elements—birds and blossoms. Through concise and evocative verses, Blake emphasizes the joyful harmony that exists between these creatures and their surroundings. The poem captures a sense of unity and fleeting beauty, portraying the delicate moments that may easily go unnoticed.

In the first stanza, the sparrow is personified as "merry" and swift as an "arrow," embodying a lively and carefree spirit. The blossom, representing a flower in full bloom, is personified as "happy" and depicted as a cradle or shelter for the sparrow. This imagery creates an image of coexistence and mutual benefit, where the blossom provides refuge for the sparrow, and the sparrow in turn brings life and movement to the scene.

The second stanza introduces the robin, described as "pretty" and associated with a sobbing sound. This juxtaposition of beauty and melancholy adds depth to the portrayal of the natural world. Like the sparrow, the robin finds solace and companionship within the protective embrace of the blossom.

The poem captures the delicate balance of life's fleeting moments, where the birds and blossoms interact within the vibrant setting of leaves. The "near my bosom" refrain in both stanzas serves to emphasize the intimacy and interconnectedness of nature, as if the speaker is witnessing these interactions up close and personally.

Overall, "The Blossom" is a celebration of the simple yet profound moments in nature, where birds and blossoms coexist in a harmonious dance. Through its imagery and tone, the poem encourages readers to appreciate the beauty and interconnectedness of the natural world.

Split into Parts

The poem consists of two stanzas, each portraying an interaction between a bird and a blossom:

  1. Merry Sparrow and Blossom: The first stanza introduces the merry sparrow seeking refuge under the green leaves of a blossom. The blossom is depicted as happy and nurturing.
  2. Pretty Robin and Blossom: The second stanza presents the pretty robin finding comfort under the leaves of a blossom. The robin's sobbing sound creates an emotional contrast.


"The Blossom" by William Blake captures the harmony and interconnectedness of nature through interactions between birds and blossoms. The merry sparrow finds shelter near the blossom's cradle, and the pretty robin seeks solace near the sobbing blossom. These moments reflect the delicate balance of life and beauty in the natural world, reminding readers to appreciate the simple yet profound aspects of nature's dance.

Themes of the Poem

  • Nature's Harmony: The poem celebrates the harmonious interactions between birds and blossoms, emphasizing their interconnected roles in the natural world.
  • Beauty in Simplicity: Through concise imagery, the poem highlights the beauty found in small, everyday moments in nature.
  • Cyclical Nature of Life: The interactions between birds and blossoms reflect the cyclical patterns of life, where creatures find refuge and companionship in the embrace of nature.

Stylistic Analysis

  • Imagery: The poem employs vivid imagery to depict the sparrow and robin interacting with the blossoms, creating a visually evocative scene.
  • Personification: The birds and blossoms are personified, imbuing them with human-like qualities and emotions.
  • Refrain: The repetition of "near my bosom" in both stanzas emphasizes the sense of intimacy and connection within nature.


  • Joy and Harmony: The merry sparrow and pretty robin symbolize joy and contentment, reflecting the harmonious relationship between creatures and their environment.
  • Companionship and Comfort: The blossoms serve as nurturing and protective spaces where the birds find solace and companionship.


  • Concise Language: The poem's brevity contributes to its focused and impactful portrayal of nature's interactions.
  • Descriptive Language: Descriptive language paints a vivid picture of the birds, blossoms, and leaves in the scene.

Sound Devices

  • Rhyme Scheme: The poem follows an AABBCC rhyme scheme in each stanza, contributing to its musicality and rhythm.
  • Alliteration: Alliteration is present in phrases such as "Merry, merry sparrow" and "Pretty, pretty robin," enhancing the auditory quality of the poem.
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